# How to contribute

We're always looking for people to contribute and improve LocalGov Drupal. Here are some easy ways to get involved:

Every contribution is valuable. If you are not sure where to start then email community@localgovdrupal.org or book a call with Aaron, our Community Lead (opens new window).

# Help us improve our documentation!

Writing and testing our documentation is very helpful to everyone. On every page you will find a link to "Help us improve this page" that takes you to an editable page on Github in markdown, so you can quickly open a pull request (PR) on GitHub to make any changes.

If you want to get setup locally, the README (opens new window) is the best place to start. Then open a PR with your changes, every PR will get tested and show you a preview automatically.

# Create a Github account and connect to the LocalGov Drupal organisation

If you don't already have a GitHub account, this is a great place to start. Once you have a Github account we can add you to the LocalGov Drupal organisation on Github, which allows people to mention you in issues, assign issues to yourself and affords you more functionality on github.com.

# Steps to setup and connect your Github account

  1. Register for Github account at https://github.com/signup
  2. Choose a nice username (it makes things easier if your username resembles your name to some extent, for other people to know who you are on Github)
  3. Verify your email address
  4. Skip the intro steps (unless you want to create an organisation).
  5. Let us know your new username on Slack, by email or in a new issue at https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov/issues (opens new window)
  6. One of the maintainers will add you to the https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov organisation.

# Create a Drupal.org account and an organisation

Having an account on Drupal.org is useful for many reasons.

  1. It allows you to post and reply to issues in issue queues on Drupal.org.
  2. You can create an organisation page to promote your organisation's involvement in Drupal and Drupal projects.
  3. You can link your personal user account to your organisation page and to issues and contributions you make.
  4. It allows us to promote the organisations and people that support the LocalGov Drupal project.

The main LocalGov Drupal project is posted at https://www.drupal.org/project/localgov (opens new window). We would like to list all subscribing councils and suppliers on the LocalGov Drupal project page to demonstrate the support and encourage more organisations and people to get involved. To do this, you will need to have a personal account on Drupal.org and an organisation page.

# Steps to create a Drupal.org account and an organisation page

  1. Create a drupal.org account at https://www.drupal.org/user/register.
  2. Verify your email address.
  3. Ask an existing user to verify you are not a spammer. See https://www.drupal.org/drupalorg/docs/user-accounts/become-a-confirmed-user (probably quickest to ask one of us on Slack to visit your new user page and click 'confirm').
  4. Create an organization page at https://www.drupal.org/node/add/organization.
  5. Let one the maintainers know and we can add you to the list of supporting organisations on drupal.org/project/localgov. It might be quickest to mention this on Slack or create an issue at https://www.drupal.org/project/issues/localgov.
  6. One of the maintainers can add the new organisation to the list of supporting organisations on the project page.
  7. Edit your personal user account and under the 'work' tab you can select your organization to link your user to the organisation page.
  8. Ask other people from your organisation to create accounts and link them up to your organisation too.

If you have any questions about this, please get in touch on Slack, email or via the issue queues.